So today is the last day of the 1st half of the semester.. also known as the first 6 months of 2010 has gone by! I mean really, where has time gone? I remember sitting on 31, December, 2009 waiting for 12am and now the year is almost over! Can you believe it? So anyways, today was a pretty great day. Started the day by watching the Inauguration of the new Philippine president Noynoy Aquino, and I think in his 6 years term, he will turn the country to the right direction as he said he will carry his parents legacy, which is a good thing! Anyways, so after that I went to sleep and when I woke up it was time to take my sisters to swimming practice. After that i cleaned the house a little and then for some reason it was time to pick them up again!
Then I got on Facebook and a former teacher Ashley Koons told me this crap and that crap blah blah blah and it got me thinking.. if she hates me, I wonder if everyone else does? So I ended up deleting my Facebook account -- yes this time it is for real. Anyways, after I came home from that cleaned, ate and headed to the pool. At the pool i hung out with Scott, Corey, and Stephen. We had so much fun! At around 4pm when Stephen and his family left, Scott and I decided to leave so we did. While we were walking we stopped by Kelli's place (she is neighbor) and talked for like 5 minutes. Then Scott went home and i went home. When i got home changed shorts, took shower and i mowed the front yard, it looks great now! After that I went inside and took a break. So now the rest of the night i'm probably going to go and chill with family, hang out with them and just have fun!
Hope You Had A Great Day!
Quote Of The Day:
"Today our dreams start to become a reality... It's the end of a leadership that has long been insensitive to the suffering of the people"
- Benigno Aquino III
President of the Philippines
... A Brand New Day ~~ > A Fresh New Start ~~ > Places To See ~~ > People To Meet ...
"The World is a book, and those who do not travel read only a page." - Saint Augustine
30 June, 2010
27 June, 2010
A Day with Family!
So today after church around 11 we went to Maria Stein in Ohio. Their was a festival and we as a family got to hang out together!
Below is the picture of us in front of the church

Below is the picture of us by the entrance = )

Hope You Had A Great Day!
Quote of The Day:
"We are all faced with a series of great opportunities brilliantly disguised as impossible situations."
- Charles R. Swindoll
So today after church around 11 we went to Maria Stein in Ohio. Their was a festival and we as a family got to hang out together!
Below is the picture of us in front of the church

Below is the picture of us by the entrance = )

Hope You Had A Great Day!
Quote of The Day:
"We are all faced with a series of great opportunities brilliantly disguised as impossible situations."
- Charles R. Swindoll
24 June, 2010
Friends are Forever!
so after a couple of days of not writing in here i should. Now, my summer is going really well for me.. hung out with friends, been to the pool, swim meets, gardening, and the weather is perfect! Could summer get any better? So.. as i was talking to Kris today, we talked about the good times we had from 7th grade. I mean we went into the band room after school and hit those drums! and the time that we made fun of teachers, also the time when we did things we weren't suppose to do! Oh the good times! Since Brady is coming back now.. who knows.. we will get to make new memories! Who knows we might to TPing around 2 in the morning? or we might go egg-ing Mrs. Miller's place.. who knows?
Hope You Had A Great Day!
Quote of The Day:
"Friends are always their to cheer you up no matter what"
so after a couple of days of not writing in here i should. Now, my summer is going really well for me.. hung out with friends, been to the pool, swim meets, gardening, and the weather is perfect! Could summer get any better? So.. as i was talking to Kris today, we talked about the good times we had from 7th grade. I mean we went into the band room after school and hit those drums! and the time that we made fun of teachers, also the time when we did things we weren't suppose to do! Oh the good times! Since Brady is coming back now.. who knows.. we will get to make new memories! Who knows we might to TPing around 2 in the morning? or we might go egg-ing Mrs. Miller's place.. who knows?
Hope You Had A Great Day!
Quote of The Day:
"Friends are always their to cheer you up no matter what"
16 June, 2010
A Perfect Summer Day!
So yesterday was pretty much the best summer day ever. You could have went outside and planted for a couple of hours and did yard work. I mean honestly the sun was out, birds chirping, worms rolling and you can hear that sound of grass getting mowed. Boy was it a day!
Hope you Had A Great Day!
Enjoy The Weather!
Quote of The Day:
So yesterday was pretty much the best summer day ever. You could have went outside and planted for a couple of hours and did yard work. I mean honestly the sun was out, birds chirping, worms rolling and you can hear that sound of grass getting mowed. Boy was it a day!
Hope you Had A Great Day!
Enjoy The Weather!
Quote of The Day:
15 June, 2010
Moms Birthday Extravaganza!
So yesterday i was so busy caught up in moms birthday that i forgot to write on here. Now here is what happened. Woke up and got ready for church.- yes you might be thinking who goes to church on Weekdays?.. matter of fact, Catholics do. Anyways, so i got home from church. After church at home, cleaned a little as usual and watched "The View". After that show, we ate lunch and just hung out as a family. Then when it was time for the siblings swim meet, they went to the swim meet and mom and i stayed home to cook supper. At supper we had bbq ribs!, noodles, shrimps, and potato casserole. Boy it was good. For the desert we had tiramisu cake! mom and I's favorite! and we also had this one desert it was gooey but delicious! So yeah that was mom's birthday extravaganza!
Happy Birthday Mom! We Love You!
Hope You Had A Great Day!
Quote of The Day:
"You are as young as your faith, as old as your doubt; as young as your self-confidence, as old as your fear; as young as your hope, as old as your despair."
- Douglas MacArthur
So yesterday i was so busy caught up in moms birthday that i forgot to write on here. Now here is what happened. Woke up and got ready for church.- yes you might be thinking who goes to church on Weekdays?.. matter of fact, Catholics do. Anyways, so i got home from church. After church at home, cleaned a little as usual and watched "The View". After that show, we ate lunch and just hung out as a family. Then when it was time for the siblings swim meet, they went to the swim meet and mom and i stayed home to cook supper. At supper we had bbq ribs!, noodles, shrimps, and potato casserole. Boy it was good. For the desert we had tiramisu cake! mom and I's favorite! and we also had this one desert it was gooey but delicious! So yeah that was mom's birthday extravaganza!
Happy Birthday Mom! We Love You!
Hope You Had A Great Day!
Quote of The Day:
"You are as young as your faith, as old as your doubt; as young as your self-confidence, as old as your fear; as young as your hope, as old as your despair."
- Douglas MacArthur
11 June, 2010
Renovation... Day 3
Have A Great Day!
Quote of The Day:
"Carpe diem! Rejoice while you are alive; enjoy the day; live life to the fullest; make the most of what you have. It is later than you think.
- Horace
Quote of The Day:
"Carpe diem! Rejoice while you are alive; enjoy the day; live life to the fullest; make the most of what you have. It is later than you think.
- Horace
10 June, 2010
Renovation.. Day 2
so today here is what happened. As i told you from yesterday's post that we are renovating the family room/ computer room. Here is what happened today. Since mom told me to take the foam out I did and that we should just leave it out you know, but today we actually did a good job! (Please note that mom and I are doing this, but mainly i'm her engineer, contractor, construction worker) So woke up at 6:15, went upstairs to wake up mom and i kinda fell asleep. Woke up it was 7am so i was like geez! and she was like get up, and get ready big day ahead of us. So I did as i was told, i made coffee and toast and mom and I sat in the kitchen eating breakfast. Then after breakfast we got right to work! We installed about 6 rows of flooring in less than 5 hours! We took a break around 12pm to eat. We returned back to work at around 12:45pm. Then around 1 mom was like, "Soap Operas are on, hurry up and plug the television cord in i want to watch "Days of Our Lives", so i did and boy what an episode!- not getting into details.
Around 3, we stopped for some ice- cream because it was break time, 15 minutes later we went back to work! We worked until about 6:10 til dad got home and told us to stop working because we are tired and to just finish it up tomorrow. So tomorrow we will hopefully get everything done and put things back where they belong. But i have decided to change the arrangement so yeah.. Today was an exhausted, tiring and long day! After a total of 11 hours working we got a total of 24 rows of laminate hard wood floors! But- oh not theirs a but, were not finished yet...
To Be Continued....
Hope you had a great day!
Quote Of The Day:
"There is no such thing in anyone's life as an unimportant day."
- Alexander Woollcott
Around 3, we stopped for some ice- cream because it was break time, 15 minutes later we went back to work! We worked until about 6:10 til dad got home and told us to stop working because we are tired and to just finish it up tomorrow. So tomorrow we will hopefully get everything done and put things back where they belong. But i have decided to change the arrangement so yeah.. Today was an exhausted, tiring and long day! After a total of 11 hours working we got a total of 24 rows of laminate hard wood floors! But- oh not theirs a but, were not finished yet...
To Be Continued....
Hope you had a great day!
Quote Of The Day:
"There is no such thing in anyone's life as an unimportant day."
- Alexander Woollcott
So a couple of weeks ago when we went to Cincinnati, my parents bought this laminate wood flooring thing to put in our family room/ computer room. We had taken out the carpet and was about to install that in. A couple of days ago my mom was like no it's not time to renovate it you know, i'm not in the mood plus i don't like the colors of the floor and stuff. She opened the box of the floor and she said that she loved it and why we didn't start of renovating the family room/ computer room the next day we bought it. So i told my mom well i told you so and she is all like i should have listened to you and stuff. So now mom was like she is willing to pay me from $30- 50 depending on how great i do my job.
So today i took everything out, the computer and stuff and stuffed it all in the garage! Thank the Lord for our garage. Anywho... so i did that and i stripped the carpet off. Under the carpet was a foam thingy and some white thingy that looked like spider webs, it was creepy.. kinda. So mom was like ok, here's the plan you hammer and lock the floors in while i plan them out so they go in evenly. So i did that. Then dad came home and was like why didn't you take out the foam. It is all squishy and stuff and i do not like it! So mom was like.. you dad does not like it neither do I so take it all apart and put it back it. 4 hours later, after we (as in me and mom) put in the floors, she was like i dont like it either. So after a total of 6 hours we finally started on working on the floors. We started at about 10am and we worked for about ehhh... 4 hours. Around 2:30 ate lunch and cleaned stuff and then around 3:15 got back to working. We finished around 5:45 yesterday, but what do i say?.. we weren't even half way their! what happens next? who knows? we'll find out tomorrow.....
To Be Continued....
Have A Great Day!
Quote Of The Day:
"Such as thy words are, such will thine affections be esteemed; and such as thine affections, will be thy deeds; and such as thy deeds will be thy life"
- Socrates
So a couple of weeks ago when we went to Cincinnati, my parents bought this laminate wood flooring thing to put in our family room/ computer room. We had taken out the carpet and was about to install that in. A couple of days ago my mom was like no it's not time to renovate it you know, i'm not in the mood plus i don't like the colors of the floor and stuff. She opened the box of the floor and she said that she loved it and why we didn't start of renovating the family room/ computer room the next day we bought it. So i told my mom well i told you so and she is all like i should have listened to you and stuff. So now mom was like she is willing to pay me from $30- 50 depending on how great i do my job.
So today i took everything out, the computer and stuff and stuffed it all in the garage! Thank the Lord for our garage. Anywho... so i did that and i stripped the carpet off. Under the carpet was a foam thingy and some white thingy that looked like spider webs, it was creepy.. kinda. So mom was like ok, here's the plan you hammer and lock the floors in while i plan them out so they go in evenly. So i did that. Then dad came home and was like why didn't you take out the foam. It is all squishy and stuff and i do not like it! So mom was like.. you dad does not like it neither do I so take it all apart and put it back it. 4 hours later, after we (as in me and mom) put in the floors, she was like i dont like it either. So after a total of 6 hours we finally started on working on the floors. We started at about 10am and we worked for about ehhh... 4 hours. Around 2:30 ate lunch and cleaned stuff and then around 3:15 got back to working. We finished around 5:45 yesterday, but what do i say?.. we weren't even half way their! what happens next? who knows? we'll find out tomorrow.....
To Be Continued....
Have A Great Day!
Quote Of The Day:
"Such as thy words are, such will thine affections be esteemed; and such as thine affections, will be thy deeds; and such as thy deeds will be thy life"
- Socrates
Hope and Dreams swept away.........
I have decided to write this post because i keep getting these comments from people saying that i can' be who i want to be in life. They are probably true for the most part, however, no one can stop me from being successful. But with all the comments and hate i get everyday, yeah i can not be what i want to be when i grow up. People say that i am a waste of their time and that they regret meeting me. Some people (not mentioning any names) say that i should just die in a hole. Their probably right i should. This is the quote that i live by every single day of my life.
"Just remember, the same as a spectacular Vogue magazine, remember that no matter how close you follow the jumps: Continued on page whatever. No matter how careful you are, there's going to be the sense you missed something, the collapsed feeling under your skin that you didn't experience it all. There's that fallen heart feeling that you rushed right through the moments where you should've been paying attention. Well, get used to that feeling. That's how your whole life will feel some day. This is all practice. None of this matters. We're just warming up."
- Chuck Palahniuk
This quote helps me survive my everyday life. Apparently this quote means nothing to me now! I am worthless, useless, and stupid! Everyone hates me. As they would say I am just a "simple" person. Nothing special about me. It's true tho.
"Just remember, the same as a spectacular Vogue magazine, remember that no matter how close you follow the jumps: Continued on page whatever. No matter how careful you are, there's going to be the sense you missed something, the collapsed feeling under your skin that you didn't experience it all. There's that fallen heart feeling that you rushed right through the moments where you should've been paying attention. Well, get used to that feeling. That's how your whole life will feel some day. This is all practice. None of this matters. We're just warming up."
- Chuck Palahniuk
This quote helps me survive my everyday life. Apparently this quote means nothing to me now! I am worthless, useless, and stupid! Everyone hates me. As they would say I am just a "simple" person. Nothing special about me. It's true tho.
09 June, 2010
Pretty Relaxing Day
so today was a pretty relaxing laid- back typical type of day. I woke up and found out that sisters didn't have swimming practice because of the rain so Thank God i got to sleep in for an extra hour or so. Then after that i got on the computer and checked some stuff. After that since it was raining i stayed inside and cleaned a little bit, but instead of cleaning a lot i pretty much did what i want. So all i had to do was wash the dishes and that's about it. I watched television, did some yard work, cleaned the garage, and that's about it i didn't get to do a lot of things, but i still enjoyed this day. This thing they call "summer in the sun" yeah right i heard it was going to rain all week! Whatta kick off to summer i tell you!
Have A Great Day!
Quote of The Day:
"Men best show their character in trifles, where they are not on their guard. It is in the simplest habits, that we often see the boundless egotism which pays no regard to the feelings of others and denies nothing to itself."
-Arthur Schopenhauer
so today was a pretty relaxing laid- back typical type of day. I woke up and found out that sisters didn't have swimming practice because of the rain so Thank God i got to sleep in for an extra hour or so. Then after that i got on the computer and checked some stuff. After that since it was raining i stayed inside and cleaned a little bit, but instead of cleaning a lot i pretty much did what i want. So all i had to do was wash the dishes and that's about it. I watched television, did some yard work, cleaned the garage, and that's about it i didn't get to do a lot of things, but i still enjoyed this day. This thing they call "summer in the sun" yeah right i heard it was going to rain all week! Whatta kick off to summer i tell you!
Have A Great Day!
Quote of The Day:
"Men best show their character in trifles, where they are not on their guard. It is in the simplest habits, that we often see the boundless egotism which pays no regard to the feelings of others and denies nothing to itself."
-Arthur Schopenhauer
07 June, 2010
Ohh Happy Day!
so Monday was a happy day at least for someone it was. So recap of my day first. Woke up and took my sisters to swim practice. Since i am so use to waking up 7 am i woke them up and got ready to take them to the pool. Anywho, once i took them their i saw Kyle Moser aka Donut or Disease- inside joke and i saw Victoria Richardson.. i thought they were dating and all but they were like no were not dating and stuff besides Kyle has a girlfriend and time Victoria said that i was like what in the world? he can get a girl but i can't! What is going on with this world? Why can't i get a girl? .. actually you can't blame the kid.. he's probably dating a first grader! hahahahahahahahah i am so mean. Anywho moving on.. after that i went home cause i was tired. When i got home i was going to pull weeds but something else caught my attention! If you guessed mess you were right! i was cleaning like crazy.. it's actually fun you guys should try it sometimes!
After a couple of hours cleaning i went outside and did a bunch of yard work. I pulled some weeds, i didn't mow tho = ( and i finished Michelle's "tree house" well at least tried to (just for your information i still needed about $10.00 for material but o well) After cleaning and mowing it was finally time to go in and get ready for lunch. Then after lunch Kevin and I biked to the other side of town by 000. Found out Kris wasn't home boy were we pissed! We were like we went out their for nothing! After that we went by Josh Beagley's house aka - The Druggy. It was by EP Graphics. Then we saw Ashley and Chris I. biking by their so we are like stalkers! hahaha good times. Then we biked to the park and stuff and then we decided to go to "snob hill" but it was a long way their so we gave up and just went home. Then it was about supper time, ate supper and went to the park. Found out their was a game but no one was their to hang out with so yeah .. tragic! and went back home.
Whatta Monday!
Have A Great Day!
Quote of the Day:
"Talents are best nurtured in solitude, but character is best formed in the stormy billows of the world."
-Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
so Monday was a happy day at least for someone it was. So recap of my day first. Woke up and took my sisters to swim practice. Since i am so use to waking up 7 am i woke them up and got ready to take them to the pool. Anywho, once i took them their i saw Kyle Moser aka Donut or Disease- inside joke and i saw Victoria Richardson.. i thought they were dating and all but they were like no were not dating and stuff besides Kyle has a girlfriend and time Victoria said that i was like what in the world? he can get a girl but i can't! What is going on with this world? Why can't i get a girl? .. actually you can't blame the kid.. he's probably dating a first grader! hahahahahahahahah i am so mean. Anywho moving on.. after that i went home cause i was tired. When i got home i was going to pull weeds but something else caught my attention! If you guessed mess you were right! i was cleaning like crazy.. it's actually fun you guys should try it sometimes!
After a couple of hours cleaning i went outside and did a bunch of yard work. I pulled some weeds, i didn't mow tho = ( and i finished Michelle's "tree house" well at least tried to (just for your information i still needed about $10.00 for material but o well) After cleaning and mowing it was finally time to go in and get ready for lunch. Then after lunch Kevin and I biked to the other side of town by 000. Found out Kris wasn't home boy were we pissed! We were like we went out their for nothing! After that we went by Josh Beagley's house aka - The Druggy. It was by EP Graphics. Then we saw Ashley and Chris I. biking by their so we are like stalkers! hahaha good times. Then we biked to the park and stuff and then we decided to go to "snob hill" but it was a long way their so we gave up and just went home. Then it was about supper time, ate supper and went to the park. Found out their was a game but no one was their to hang out with so yeah .. tragic! and went back home.
Whatta Monday!
Have A Great Day!
Quote of the Day:
"Talents are best nurtured in solitude, but character is best formed in the stormy billows of the world."
-Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
05 June, 2010
Summer Weekend!
Saturday ok so today started my day by eating cereal, which is shocking and rare because i never eat breakfast, but today i decided to eat. Then i went on my bike ride around town.. hopefully i will reach "snob hill" soon. After my bike ride, mom and sisters woke up and got ready to go to the Farmers Market. At the Farmers Market, we bought a tomato plant and these flowers! mom bought some orange flower, and it brighten up our front yard (a little). Then my sisters went over to Lexi's house and they played til like 4 or so. Then mom and dad and i ate lunch and we watched this one television show- on the internet. It was a Philippine show tho. After watching that it was about 5pm so i'm like where did time go! so yeah.. where did time go? cause when i looked at the clock it was exactly 5:30pm. So i went on a bike ride again around town or so.. and i reached Kris' place. But since he is "camping" i couldn't hang out with him. So my day was kinda fun.. but also it was boring in a way.
Sunday ok so this is the first Sunday of Summer vacation and let me see here, started my day by going to church. Served as an altar server so yeah it was pretty great! Whenever i got home mom and i finished planting flowers and let me say the front yard is looking great! then after that i got back in and took a rest. While taking a rest i fell asleep so i took a nap. I don't know how long but boy it was really relaxing! what a way to end my Sunday!
Have a Good Weekend!
Quote Of The Day:
"Rely on your own strength of body and soul. Take for your star self-reliance, faith, honesty and industry. Don't take too much advice — keep at the helm and steer your own ship, and remember that the great art of commanding is to take a fair share of the work. Fire above the mark you intend to hit. Energy, invincible determination with the right motive, are the levers that move the world."
-Noah Porter
Saturday ok so today started my day by eating cereal, which is shocking and rare because i never eat breakfast, but today i decided to eat. Then i went on my bike ride around town.. hopefully i will reach "snob hill" soon. After my bike ride, mom and sisters woke up and got ready to go to the Farmers Market. At the Farmers Market, we bought a tomato plant and these flowers! mom bought some orange flower, and it brighten up our front yard (a little). Then my sisters went over to Lexi's house and they played til like 4 or so. Then mom and dad and i ate lunch and we watched this one television show- on the internet. It was a Philippine show tho. After watching that it was about 5pm so i'm like where did time go! so yeah.. where did time go? cause when i looked at the clock it was exactly 5:30pm. So i went on a bike ride again around town or so.. and i reached Kris' place. But since he is "camping" i couldn't hang out with him. So my day was kinda fun.. but also it was boring in a way.
Sunday ok so this is the first Sunday of Summer vacation and let me see here, started my day by going to church. Served as an altar server so yeah it was pretty great! Whenever i got home mom and i finished planting flowers and let me say the front yard is looking great! then after that i got back in and took a rest. While taking a rest i fell asleep so i took a nap. I don't know how long but boy it was really relaxing! what a way to end my Sunday!
Have a Good Weekend!
Quote Of The Day:
"Rely on your own strength of body and soul. Take for your star self-reliance, faith, honesty and industry. Don't take too much advice — keep at the helm and steer your own ship, and remember that the great art of commanding is to take a fair share of the work. Fire above the mark you intend to hit. Energy, invincible determination with the right motive, are the levers that move the world."
-Noah Porter
02 June, 2010
Best and Worst Memories
ok so what i am about to tell you is the best and worst memories in my 8th grade year! Boy i sure will miss it!
Best 8th Grade Memories
hmmm.. best memories.. where do i start? well let me see here.. one of the best memories for my 8th grade year was that i got to meet new people.. especially Lauren, who i thank God so much for giving me an opportunity to meet someone as nice, and attractive as her. My other great memories include Mrs. Dailey's class! i will dearly miss that class! Mr. Buckingham's life lessons-- althought they do get annoying once in a while. Mr. Provost's life lessons! Oh.. you can't forget Choir and Band! great experience! and especially gym class! Also one of the best memories i had this year was having an opportunity to attend this beautiful school building, the staff that laughed at all my jokes through out the year, the people who were their to back me up when i needed them, Mr. Rich and Mrs. Goller for guiding me and helping me be successful- i remember the time that Mr. Rich and Mrs. Goller helped me get my locker open the first day of school because it wouldn't open and when i talked to Mrs. Goller about some issues at school- i thank each and every person who is a part of my life and part of my 8th grade year.. because without you, my 8th grade year would have never been successful! good times! good times!
Worst 8th Grade Memory
now the worst memories.. would probably be.. the time that got lunch detention for going into the cafeteria using the wrong doors! hahaha and probably the time that i slept through Project Lead the Way for one day, for chewing gum in class! and probably getting yeld at by Mr. Horton because i fell asleep in his class! boy those weren't actually worst memories more like memorable hilarious memories! good times! good times!
Best 8th Grade Memories
hmmm.. best memories.. where do i start? well let me see here.. one of the best memories for my 8th grade year was that i got to meet new people.. especially Lauren, who i thank God so much for giving me an opportunity to meet someone as nice, and attractive as her. My other great memories include Mrs. Dailey's class! i will dearly miss that class! Mr. Buckingham's life lessons-- althought they do get annoying once in a while. Mr. Provost's life lessons! Oh.. you can't forget Choir and Band! great experience! and especially gym class! Also one of the best memories i had this year was having an opportunity to attend this beautiful school building, the staff that laughed at all my jokes through out the year, the people who were their to back me up when i needed them, Mr. Rich and Mrs. Goller for guiding me and helping me be successful- i remember the time that Mr. Rich and Mrs. Goller helped me get my locker open the first day of school because it wouldn't open and when i talked to Mrs. Goller about some issues at school- i thank each and every person who is a part of my life and part of my 8th grade year.. because without you, my 8th grade year would have never been successful! good times! good times!
Worst 8th Grade Memory
now the worst memories.. would probably be.. the time that got lunch detention for going into the cafeteria using the wrong doors! hahaha and probably the time that i slept through Project Lead the Way for one day, for chewing gum in class! and probably getting yeld at by Mr. Horton because i fell asleep in his class! boy those weren't actually worst memories more like memorable hilarious memories! good times! good times!
Summer 2010!
so today was the last day of my 8th grade year! i would have to say it was a very memorable and non- forgetting year! So started the day by waking up at around 6am. I got up, i showered and then i got ready for school! I was eager to get to school! Then when we got to school i was following someone to choir. Then we found out we didn't have first period so we went back to our Study Hall as Mr. Beigel's class calls it "study hizzle!" so anyways, after study hizzle we went to the auditorium for Awards Ceremony. Kris and I guessed the exact people in 8th grade getting an award (which was Miller and Alyssa) and hey! we were right! hahahaha, then it was time to present to the Business IT award and Mr. Rich gave it to Hannah Taing.. and then everyone as in Dylan, Kris, John, Collin, Korbin, even the Turners gave me the "what the heck dude, you should have gotten that!" look. But i told them it was only an award.. no big deal it just proves that she can type faster than i can.
Anyways so after that awards ceremony thing we went to period 2, since i had gym we went to gym. We played matball or however you spell that game and during the game the back of one of my shoes came off! it was hilarious! Then it was 4th period which for me was Social Studies, all we did was watch some boring movie which i slept through the first 15 minutes of it. Then Mr. Horton's 5th period class- all we did was sit around and talked and stuff then i was talking to Randall and Keagan and then Tasha started talking so i talked to her for a couple of minutes.. i feel sorry for her. Anyways, after that it was another awards ceremony for the Literacy Scholarship people. I got 2nd place which isn't bad so yeah. After that we went to 6th period. It was sad because it was the last Mrs. Dailey's class for the year and she was my favorite- although she was annoying in a way she was still my favorite!
Then lunch, after lunch when everyone left the 8th grade teachers were their and they all gave us a freeze pop thing and we ate it outside! All the 7th graders going to the High School for their rotation class were jealous! Hahaha! and then during that their were pictures taking, friends hanging out and stuff. Then their was this circle with Alyssa, Miller, Hannah, Syd, Chelsea, Alia, Allie, Ariana, Jen and Shelby and they were playing this one game called bunny bunny crap which confused me, Kris, Kevin and Gish! After that it was time for 7th period. We went to our last 7th period class which for me Mathematics, boy i sure will miss the life lessons! We watched Cosby which i found very hillarious! Anywho, then it was Agriculture class which was the last class of the year! We made ice- cream which wasn't that bad! It was pretty good, bit a whole down the zip lock bag but other than that it was good! I might make it today if im not busy. Then after Ag, Mr. Shuck took us to the commons and everyone was all freaking out because class was out. Then on the bus ride when the bus pulled out.. all the Elementary staff and teachers were out their waving and saying their goodbyes for the summer! So yeah.. then i got home and i was like Thank God. Summer Vacation 2010 is here!
With the summer weather here dont forget sunscreen! Have a safe and fun summer everyone!
Have A Great Day!
Quote of the Day:
"You never will be the person you can be if pressure, tension and discipline are taken out of your life"
- Dr. James G. Bilkey
so today was the last day of my 8th grade year! i would have to say it was a very memorable and non- forgetting year! So started the day by waking up at around 6am. I got up, i showered and then i got ready for school! I was eager to get to school! Then when we got to school i was following someone to choir. Then we found out we didn't have first period so we went back to our Study Hall as Mr. Beigel's class calls it "study hizzle!" so anyways, after study hizzle we went to the auditorium for Awards Ceremony. Kris and I guessed the exact people in 8th grade getting an award (which was Miller and Alyssa) and hey! we were right! hahahaha, then it was time to present to the Business IT award and Mr. Rich gave it to Hannah Taing.. and then everyone as in Dylan, Kris, John, Collin, Korbin, even the Turners gave me the "what the heck dude, you should have gotten that!" look. But i told them it was only an award.. no big deal it just proves that she can type faster than i can.
Anyways so after that awards ceremony thing we went to period 2, since i had gym we went to gym. We played matball or however you spell that game and during the game the back of one of my shoes came off! it was hilarious! Then it was 4th period which for me was Social Studies, all we did was watch some boring movie which i slept through the first 15 minutes of it. Then Mr. Horton's 5th period class- all we did was sit around and talked and stuff then i was talking to Randall and Keagan and then Tasha started talking so i talked to her for a couple of minutes.. i feel sorry for her. Anyways, after that it was another awards ceremony for the Literacy Scholarship people. I got 2nd place which isn't bad so yeah. After that we went to 6th period. It was sad because it was the last Mrs. Dailey's class for the year and she was my favorite- although she was annoying in a way she was still my favorite!
Then lunch, after lunch when everyone left the 8th grade teachers were their and they all gave us a freeze pop thing and we ate it outside! All the 7th graders going to the High School for their rotation class were jealous! Hahaha! and then during that their were pictures taking, friends hanging out and stuff. Then their was this circle with Alyssa, Miller, Hannah, Syd, Chelsea, Alia, Allie, Ariana, Jen and Shelby and they were playing this one game called bunny bunny crap which confused me, Kris, Kevin and Gish! After that it was time for 7th period. We went to our last 7th period class which for me Mathematics, boy i sure will miss the life lessons! We watched Cosby which i found very hillarious! Anywho, then it was Agriculture class which was the last class of the year! We made ice- cream which wasn't that bad! It was pretty good, bit a whole down the zip lock bag but other than that it was good! I might make it today if im not busy. Then after Ag, Mr. Shuck took us to the commons and everyone was all freaking out because class was out. Then on the bus ride when the bus pulled out.. all the Elementary staff and teachers were out their waving and saying their goodbyes for the summer! So yeah.. then i got home and i was like Thank God. Summer Vacation 2010 is here!
With the summer weather here dont forget sunscreen! Have a safe and fun summer everyone!
Have A Great Day!
Quote of the Day:
"You never will be the person you can be if pressure, tension and discipline are taken out of your life"
- Dr. James G. Bilkey
Last Wednedsay of 8th Grade!
today is the last Wednesday for 8th grade! Which is pretty sad but o well. Here is a recap.. went to choir last day today we finished Phantom of the Opera and then i talked to Lauren the whole time (and no people i do NOT like her.. were just friends). Then Literature, we pretty much messed around the whole time. Then it was Exploratory with Mrs. Sheets and since we had an hour of it, i finished homework and me, Dylan, Chris L. and Kevin pretty much messed around doing all sorts of stuff. Then Social Studies- finals, Science- finals, English- finals and then lunch and then Mathematics- we watched some life quotes.. boy i sure will miss that class! Then Agriculture.. Shuck said we are making ice- cream tomorrow so yeah what a way to end the year! Ok.. so tomorrow is Awards day and also the last day of school you know.. honestly.. whose getting an award in our grade besides the smart people who are in AP classes?? yeahh.. o well.. at least we get out of 1st period. Summer '10 is only i few hours away! and yes.. i will finish this race strong.. go giving up now!... i actually want to go to school tomorrow.. which is shocking but o well..
Have a great day!
Quote of The Day:
"Good Decision don't make life easy; they do make it easier."
- Coach Gelwix
today is the last Wednesday for 8th grade! Which is pretty sad but o well. Here is a recap.. went to choir last day today we finished Phantom of the Opera and then i talked to Lauren the whole time (and no people i do NOT like her.. were just friends). Then Literature, we pretty much messed around the whole time. Then it was Exploratory with Mrs. Sheets and since we had an hour of it, i finished homework and me, Dylan, Chris L. and Kevin pretty much messed around doing all sorts of stuff. Then Social Studies- finals, Science- finals, English- finals and then lunch and then Mathematics- we watched some life quotes.. boy i sure will miss that class! Then Agriculture.. Shuck said we are making ice- cream tomorrow so yeah what a way to end the year! Ok.. so tomorrow is Awards day and also the last day of school you know.. honestly.. whose getting an award in our grade besides the smart people who are in AP classes?? yeahh.. o well.. at least we get out of 1st period. Summer '10 is only i few hours away! and yes.. i will finish this race strong.. go giving up now!... i actually want to go to school tomorrow.. which is shocking but o well..
Have a great day!
Quote of The Day:
"Good Decision don't make life easy; they do make it easier."
- Coach Gelwix
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