First of all, I just want to give a shout out to all of the Father's, Grandfathers, Uncles, future-father's-to-be, A HAPPY FATHER's DAY!

Happy Father's Day Dad, We Love You!
This Past Week: Well where do I start? This past week has been an exhausting one. Going to church daily, serving at Mass and reading, i'm pooped! Also finishing up house renovations and putting the final touches to the house, yup, I'm worn out! Also this past Friday, we celebrated my mother's birthday which I think went by very well (she was surprised by the cake that we made her). It has been a good, long, exhausting, celebrating week!
This Week Ahead: This past week is going to be very very busy!
Monday- Wednesday:

It is that time of the year again, when all of the Indiana FFA members from all District come to the State Convention. This year it will be held at West Lafayette at the Purdue University campus. I can't say that I'm not excited. This will be my first time going and I'm a bit nervous but O well, I know that I will have fun. That takes up the first 3 days of my week.
Thursday: I am back home, and my uncle (Fr. Ron) and Sister Herta, not really a nun but we call her sister for respect, will be visiting us for a couple of weeks and I am really excited to see them. It has been 9 years since they came here and it has been 5 years since our reunion in Europe! So I can't wait!
Also on Thursday starts the Fortnight For Freedom (see post from 2 Wednesday's ago)
You can visit for more information.
Friday: The adventure begins, I am looking forward to our get together at my house with church people and a couple of neighbors and friends and hopefully we get to take our uncle to different places and meet different people!! I can't wait!

So as many of you know, with this busy 2 weeks ahead, I will not have the time to post anything. So I think this is the perfect time to take my 2 week vacation! Please pray for me, as I will to all of you! I will be back 2 Sunday's from today, loaded with pictures, adventures, and more stories to tell!
Have A Good Day!