This school year has gone to a great start! I am enjoying it and hopefully it goes by slowly so that I could enjoy it even more. With that said, this school year brings new Freshman. I do have to say, I thought I wasn't going to make any new freshman friends but I was wrong, as a matter of fact I will talk about 2 of my new acquaintances and 2 acquaintances that well- I've known them for a while but aren't really friends with them. I will talk about the 2 new Freshman's in tomorrow's blog.

Dzejna is a great basketball player, very smart and talkative. She also has tons of friends! Dzejna is one of those people who you would never see without someone walking with her or talking to her. She absolutely loves to talk! I recall back in 8th Grade, I asked her if we were friends and she said that we were more of acquaintances rather than friends. I didn't know what that meant so I asked her, and she told me to just look it up in the dictionary. So I did and after finding out what it meant I haven't carried an actual conversation with her since then- it's fine though, were good acquaintances. Dzejna is one of those people who can't stand being around annoying people like me- so I tend to stay away as far as possible. Dzejna no doubt in life will be successful. She will live her life the way she wants too, own fancy shoes and clothing materials, live in a huge house and probably get some type of trophy/award named after her.
Chelsea on the other hand her best friend is one of those people who has tons of friends, involve in sports and many other clubs/ organizations at school. Chelsea is a very good drummer, not only that but she is also smart and a very good soccer player! Chelsea and I are not friends, and will perhaps never be- i'm fine with that. Let's see, she is dating a College Freshman and has an older brother. I remember the first time that I met Chelsea and let's just say that it didn't turn out well. It was a band day, first day and she asked me what my name is and stuff and I told her, but then halfway through the period- I could already tell that she didn't like me. I tried asking one of her friends if she hated me and she supposedly said yes- and too this day, she still hates me.. it's okay though, haters = haters. On the top of things though- Chelsea will be successful in whatever she wants to be, live in a big house out in the country with a red barn. I wouldn't be surprised if she was one of the people who found a cure for cancer. I'm pretty sure though that whatever she wants to do with her life she will be very successful at it. And by how things look now, her and Dzejna will be best friends forever!

Chelsea and Dzejna, one of the many people at school who can't stand being around me or seeing me. I have no problem with that, they don't bother me and I don't bother them so there shouldn't be any problem whatsoever. Now, as for the future... would I ever see these two again? I highly doubt it (think about it, who would want to see me in the future.... exactly) but I know for sure that these two will remain best friends until one of them "kicks the bucket".
Don't forget to tune in tomorrow for my 2 new Freshman Acquaintances!