"The World is a book, and those who do not travel read only a page." - Saint Augustine

16 March, 2010

The weather outside is sooo delightful!


today has been a good day for me.. started out with choir that was pretty good, then gym.. it was BEAST! although Biegle was here : ( o well.. 3rd period was alright.. went to the library for the Go Wild For Books thingy. then social studies.. Mr. Provost gave us a lecture about life.. i found it very interesting. then English class.. all we did were worksheets.. so coolio, Science.. best class ever! i love that class! watched Planet Earth (pretty cool if you ask me) after that it was lunch time.. so yeah.. then math class 2nd favorite class! i love that class.. you learn more than math! you learn about life and why it is valuable and why you shouldn't waste it.. then Home Economics.. love that class to.. because all we did were 3 easy worksheets.. after that she told us we were going to start sewing about after Spring Break. then after that instead of going to weight lifting.. i went to "tutoring" with Mrs. White.. i didn't get none of the homework so she helped me.. which is a good thing.. after that what did i do? i saw Mr. Horton and talked to him and he has my signed picture of Jennifer Lopez.. which was pretty awesome i get bonus points in Typing class now!
after that Kevin and I walked home.. from school obviously.. after that what did we do? we walked around town.. well never mind.. actually biked around town.. we went to Kris' place he was sick.. so yeah.. after that Kevin decided that we should bike to "Snob Hill" and i was like.. nah.. then after a while i was like.. o what the heck so we did.. we had so much fun! let's see here what else did we do.. we biked around their and we saw the High School Baseball Team practicing.. so yeah.. on the way back home i was soo tired that i didn't think i was going to make it back home.. but then i was like mom made soup hahaha that got me to hurry up and get home. since i didn't have any homework i did 2 sudoku puzzle's their really fun! then i ate supper and watched 16 & Pregnant.. good show.. good show.. if you haven't seen it i recommend you do.. it features the lives of girls in High School pregnant and what they had/ have to go through each day of their life as a teen mom.. go see it tonight.. MTV @ 10!

Von Von's Points of View

i want to start something a new corner here in my blog i will discuss and share my opinions with you about some things.. and i will put up day to day topics.. sounds good? ok.. let's start

"Ban plastic bags in grocery stores"

to me.. i think that you shouldn't use either paper or plastic at grocery stores. here is why:
1. paper is as harmful to the environment as plastic is.. all those trees being cut down just to use as paper bags.. and when we get home.. what do we do with those paper bags? we just throw them away.. i don't think that is a good thing. now we already wastes like what? about a million sheets of paper a day think how many trees that is in the world
2. plastic is just not good because
3. i think everyone should just bring their own individual bags when they go to thre grocery store:
a) it is safer
b) it is recyclable
c) much more better to the environment, imagine all the trees that are going to be saved!

so don't forget next time you and a parent go to the store and they asked you for paper or plastic tell them.. none.. i brought my own : ) and don't forget to.....


Have A Great Day Everyone!

Quote of The Day:

"Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking."
-William B. Sprague

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