"The World is a book, and those who do not travel read only a page." - Saint Augustine

03 June, 2012

A Week of Commotion, Burial & Celebration!


The title should say it all.

A Week of Commotion:

With house renovations, tiling projects and other in & outdoor projects, the picture should say it all. You know what they say "A picture is worth 1000 words"

Berne Ready Mix putting on the cement for the new step to the main entrance.

The new step to the main entrance.

The new tiles in the kitchen.


Also this past week, my mother and I learned to upholster furniture for the first time! May I say, the finish product looks not-to-shabby!

The old chair that needed to be fixed.

A couple of cloth-material pattern fabric from an auction.
Price: $1.00 for a box of about 10-15, very good deal!

A stapler gun, a drill, and a can or two of varnish stainer, is all we needed!

The finished product x 6!

The hallway with the new finished tile.

The foyer with the new finished tile.

A Week of Burial:

Now, you may not know it, but my mom found this bird that she said might have injured it's wing. So she told us to keep it for the night so we made it a little bird house and stuff, and fed it and gave it something to drink and kept it in the garage overnight. The plan was to set it free the next day. However, things didn't go as plan, as of 12:55pm on Wednesday or Thursday it died. So we gave it a proper burial.

Since we found it in the bird bath, we decided to put in a casket and process it to the backyard.

A Week of Celebration:

Now, this past week, the part of the celebration was a graduation party. Our dear neighbor Kristen Lehman, is graduating from High School.

So to Kristen and to all of the seniors this year: A big shout out: CONGRATULATIONS!

I tell you, it has been an exhausting week! Next Sunday, i'll post more pics about the second half of our renovation project!

Have A Great Day!

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