"The World is a book, and those who do not travel read only a page." - Saint Augustine

30 July, 2013

University of Saint Francis Class of 2017!


As many of you know, I graduated High School this past June. People have often asked me where I will be going to school, what I will be studying, and so on. I was originally planned to go to Mount Saint Mary's University in Emmitsburg, Maryland! However, due to family situation and other commitments, I had to re-evaluate my decision. So after weeks of prayers, thoughts, consideration and penance, I have decided to stay local (for a while at least) and attend the University of Saint Francis in Fort Wayne, Indiana! Here are the top 5 reasons on why I chose to become a Cougar (USF) instead of a Mountaineer (MSM).

1) The Location & Size
University of Saint Francis is located in Fort Wayne, Indiana, just a couple of miles from Downtown itself. It's a really small campus with only about 1800 undergraduate students! I really like it because I can commute everyday (since it is only an hour drive). With commuting, not only do I save tons of money, but I can come home to a nice hot meal, sleep in my own bed and contribute to weekly Masses and devotions at my local church. What I like with a small campus is that it's not a huge University with like 40,000 other students like Purdue or Indiana University. In a small campus, it would not be as hectic moving around as it is in a huge campus. Also, growing up into a small school system, I have adapted that small learning environment where I can get the professor's attention most of the time. That's the first reason why I decided to attend USF instead of the Mount.

2) The Philosophy & Theology Department
When I went to schedule my classes at the University of Saint Francis, I found it very easy and convenient. I also found out, unlike the Mount, the Theology Department has nuns such as Sister Jacinta, OSF teaching a course on Catholicism! (which I am excited for!) I also found out that I could double major in Philosophy and Theology, that way I could get some what of a taste or I can foreshadow what would be studied in the seminary when I actually enter. But, the most important is the Summa Theologica. As you know the Summa is reputated is known as "one of the classics of the history of philosophy and one of the most influential works of Western Literature.." Not every Catholic University study the Summa in their Philosophy or Theology Dept. but according to my college visit at USF, the professors make use/brings up the Summa and you get a discussion on what it's about and how it impacts today's religion. What more could I want?

3) Highly Recommended 
When I first started applying to colleges, University of Saint Francis is the first college that I applied to. It was also the first college I was accepted into. I was very excited. Then came other options, such as Marian University, Holy Cross University and so on. I sort of neglected Saint Francis. Then I found out that great faculty from South Adams attended school there, such as our guidance counselor Mr. Todd Ruppert, who earned his Master's there as well as Mrs. Jane Minch. So that factor also contributed to my final decision upon attending the University of Saint Francis this Fall!

Going to college this Fall has gave mixed emotions. I am happy in a way but I am nervous. As I told my friends, it will not be the same because it's a brand new school, brand new place, brand new environment, brand new people. But I also realized that this is a new chapter in my life. Meeting new people, seeing different places, trying out different things and just having fun! I guess after thoughtful considerations and prayers, this is where God's putting me.. at least I think for now. If this is his plan for me, then I have nothing against it.. for if its his will then let it be done! To God be the Glory!

Have A Great Day!

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