"The World is a book, and those who do not travel read only a page." - Saint Augustine

21 March, 2011

5'1'' Forever!


Today has been what I would say a pretty good day. I woke up at 6:30am, and did some yard work. I got my morning walk, my morning cup of coffee, my morning prayers, and my morning dose of news! Then when I woke up Mom, Michelle and Faith we went to the recycling center here in Berne. I didn't even know Berne had a recycling center but it does!

Then after that I cleaned out the garage, did some more yard work and then got ready for lunch. Now- we ate lunch without dad today because we had to go to the doctor's office. The first time I went back to the doc's office in 2 and a half years. We only went cause Faith had to get her physical today. So mom told me I had to go with her because I had a checkup.

Now- I found some horrendous news today. For once I found out I was 45 pounds obese and that I am in the risk of either a heart attack, diabetes or high blood pressure. I also found out that I will be 5 foot 1 for the rest of my life. It sucks but o well. I'm never going to get girls now. It doesn't matter though. Anyways back to my day at the doctors- umm, yeah he pretty much told me that if i don't cut back on my eating and don't start excercising, someone is going to have a suckish life. So what I'm doing is- I am jogging for at least an hour and cutting back on the junk food. Wish me luck!

Hope You Had A Great Day!

Quote of the Day:

"Sometimes dreams are wiser than waking."

- Black Elk

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