"The World is a book, and those who do not travel read only a page." - Saint Augustine

09 January, 2012

"Faith Reigns!"


Today at the Philippines, we celebrated, well the Manilian's celebrated the Feast of the Black Nazarene!

This is a picture that I got from a random site here on the interweb.

Now, here is the picture of the actual statue that I saw with my own two eyes, when we had the opportunity to visit Quiapo Church this past summer.

The question is, What exactly is the Black Nazarene?

The answer is from my perspective and understanding,

Ok, so to my understanding and knowledge, the Black Nazarene Statue is a life size figure of Christ, carrying the cross to Mt. Calvary during Holy Week. Now, this statue is originally shipped from Mexico to the Philippines some 400 years ago, but when the ship caught on fire, miraculously, the statue itself did not burn, it just turned black, hence the name "The Black Nazarene". Now, there are people and testimonies, that claim that the statue is actually miraculous. Would I believe it, you bet I will, the problem is that it hasn't really happened for me, so I can't really tell you if it cured me or not. However, I do strongly believe that it is miraculous.

Now from reading articles online, streaming on and off to Masses, there were a total of about 3,000,000 (million), - yes, I'm not exaggerating, showed up for the procession, but some article say that 9,000,000 are also expected to show up by the end of the whole celebration. Now, I think that it set history because for once, the parade actually lasted longer than usual. 22 hours to be exact. That's ridiculous, for a procession of 3 miles, to go on for 22 hours- however, that is quite an impression, because it shows how many people are actually dedicated and truly love the Lord. Couple of injuries, but I'm sure that they are fine.

A nice picture where I found my blog post title. Read the little inscription that is noted on the pic.

Here is a link to see more of the pictures from the celebration of the 2012 Feast of the Black Nazarene.

Nuestro Padre Jesús Nazareno, pray for us

Have A Great Day!

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