It is Wednesday of Spring Break! & I Am enjoying it! I wake up every morning at 5, with morning prayers, the holy hours, and most of all watch Mass at 8. I also get up every morning to make breakfast. I enjoy getting out there at 9 am, and start gardening. There are a couple of things that my mother and I are going to plant this year that we didn't last year, but we haven't discussed that yet. Here are a couple of pictures from around the house, that puts me in the Spring Fever mood!
Here is a picture of our new water system thingy. I don't know the official name for it, it's just that my mother and I got that idea from HGTV! SO here is out version of the water system.
The bird feeder (which I yet have to clean) in front of the yard. Notice the tulips blooming!
Another view of the front yard flower bed:
The plant/vegetable bed that sits next to the yard, we extended it:
The little garden that is next to the garage and the pathway that leads to the back yard:
The flower bush- well tree that sits next to the porch:
Of course, I took a couple of these flowers (whatever they are called), found a vase and made it a centerpiece at our dining table:
Have A Good Day!
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