"The World is a book, and those who do not travel read only a page." - Saint Augustine

23 March, 2012

Such A Good Mentor


Today, at 3pm, Spring Break started!

There is a lot of good and bad into the comings weeks ahead after Spring Break. I titled this post "Such A Good Mentor" because of my teacher MR. Tatman. For all of you who are not aware, Mr. Tatman is getting a bypass heart surgery from what I know. Now- the problem is, he will be gone the rest of the school year, which means that our ECA, Writing Portfolio's, Book Reports, Speeches, the Honors English AP Words and most of all Shakespeare, is all up to the sub. Our permanent substitute happens to be Kemper Amstutz, the wife of the Mr. Amstutz (the band director). Now, I like her as a sub, had no problems with her, its just that I hope she can explain Shakespeare to us better than Mr. Tatman did!

Anyways, as I said about being a good mentor, it's true. Mr. Tatman, rarely stood up there and lectured but I learned so much! I mean really maybe once every 2 weeks or even 3 that he would get up there and lecture. It's ridiculous but I have to admit, I learned a lot in his class first semester! People that have had him in the past said that they have learned to appreciate Mr. T because they prepare him for college and thinking about it everyday, I have imagined about how college will be. I hope its as exciting as his class. With all of that said, this week is Spring Break, I'm looking forward to an exciting stress-free week not worrying about homework. Just gardening, attending Mass, cleaning and having fun with family and maybe acquaintances.

Mr. Tatman, if you are reading this, I'll pray for you. You're a tough guy and even though your not here for the rest of the year, I pray for a fast recovery, so that you can be back next year and make kid's life miserable :) and also, so that Speech Class next year will rock!

Have A Great Day!

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