"The World is a book, and those who do not travel read only a page." - Saint Augustine

11 April, 2012

My Passion ... & Interests ......


It's Wednesday, the second Wednesday of April to be exact since I didn't post anything last week due to Holy Week, I am now resuming that "tradition". Today, I am going to talk about my passion and interests. If all of you do not know me personally, I only have 4 things under the category of passion and interests.

My Passion & Interest ~ 1 The Catholic Church

For all of you who didn't know, I am planning on becoming a Catholic Priest after my High School years. There are things in the Catholic Church that is all "liberated" and "liturgically abused" so my goal in life is to help fix it, to help spread the Gospel/ word of the Lord to those people who have no access to them and to administer the Sacraments of Confession, Communion, Confirmation, Baptism, Holy Matrimony, Anointing of the Sick, and Holy Orders. For all of you who didn't know either that I have a Catholic priest that is stationed in Europe. Most of all, I am from the Philippines and the Philippines in 85% Catholic Country so being able to become a priest and serving my people would be a way for me to give back to my community.

The Catholic Church is one of my Passions & Interests. Without it, I would not have a life because if most of you didn't know that I based my life around the Church's teachings & beliefs. There are things that I based my life on that is not related to Catholicism necessarily but most of the time it's all based- regardless. I know say that Catholic Church is one of my Passion and Interests because during this time of hardship, economic struggle, and secularism- people ought to be told exactly what is going on and what the media is preventing us from knowing, I would be able to tell people to rely on and to trust him with all your problems and God certainly has a plan for each and everyone of you!

My Passion & Interest ~ 2 My Family

My second interest is my family. I say family because without them, I wouldn't be where I am today- in America, living a life that I would have never imagined. Going to a public school, having people I can call friends and most of all being with them is a blast. Without my family, there would not be a part of me that would always look back when I am about to make a decision that is unworthy of my conscience. There are things in life that I appreciate and not appreciate, but my family is certainly the type of people that I appreciate. Just because all of us from both sides don't get too all see each other altogether in one reunion, we still have this connection that is spread throughout our hearts so that we don't forget each one. Trust me- with both families put together from Dad and Mom's side of the family - there are lots of us!

I would have to say that even though my family is a bit annoying sometimes (specially my two sisters), there are things out there that we all enjoy doing like going to Mass on Holy Days and Special Feast Days and Sundays. We all enjoy traveling and seeing what the world has to offer! I admit- I enjoy spending time with my family, and with college a year or two away, it's going to be hard leaving them! But for now- let's not think about that!

My Passion & Interests ~ 3 My "Friends"

It's now the third Passion and Interest and this one is about friends. For all of you who knows me, knows that I don't have lots of friends. I have about 3 types of friends. Here is how I characterize them:
1) the type that would be there to help you succeed in life
2) the type that is like yeah were friends but not really
3) the type that says their your friend but really don't care or you don't ever hang out w/ them or talk to them

My first type of friends are the ones that would be there to help me succeed in life. In my life those people are my teachers, people such as Mrs. Miller, Mr. Tatman, Miss Monticue, Mrs. Walker, Mrs. Hosier, Mrs. Minch, etc. Even though they may not like me and are disappointed that they have to put up with me, I still consider them as my friends because without them (educators) we would not learn anything. Priests would not learn anything without going to school and you can't have a school without teachers so those are my 1st type of friends. There are most that adds on to that list but teachers are the one's that I had on the top of my head.

My second type of friends are they type that are like year were friends but they are really not. What I mean by that is like people who you talk to in school but outside of school you don't ever interact with them. In my case I don't interact (or hang) with them. In my friends category they are my acquaintances, people such as Chris Inniger, Zach LeFever, Cady Farlow, to name a couple. (I named them because we are all in art). I talk to them in school, we all "socialize" in art and other classes but outside of school, they don't talk to me, I don't know to them that's the way life goes. Too be honest- I'm fine with it.

My third type of friends are the type that are your friend but really don't care or you don't ever hang out w/ them or talk to them. In other words, they are the people who who don't want anything to do with out, or anything that applies to you, etc. In my friends category I would say that number 3 would have to be thee biggest category just because it's true and also because that's the way it rolls. Too be honest- I'm fine with it also.

My Passion & Interest ~ 4 Traveling

The final thing to my passion and interest is traveling. I absolutely love traveling specially during the Summer. In my lifetime, I have traveled over 15 times roundtrip (back- and- forth). I absolutely enjoy it! Whether it is by boat, car, train or plane, I enjoy traveling with my family. I personally enjoy it because the picture that are in magazines are amazing when you see them in person! Plus it gives me the chance to explore the wonders and nature of the world. I also get to see what the world has to offer with my own two eyes!

These are my 4 Passion and Interests. Come back next week and I will expand on them starting with The Catholic Church. Trust me, I'll make it as interesting as possible!

Have A Good Day!

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